Todd Dalotto

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Todd Dalotto is a horticultural scientist, consultant, and educator specializing in cannabis. His horticultural research degree from Oregon State University emphasizes sustainable agriculture and plant breeding, he Chaired Oregon‚Äôs Advisory Committee on Medical Marijuana and has served on various legislative and rules advisory committees for the State of Oregon. Todd founded the first U.S. hemp food business Hungry Bear Hemp Foods, authored the world’s first hemp cookbook The Hemp Cookbook: From Seed to Shining Seed, and founded Oregon’s first cannabis medical clinic, education & support center, Compassion Center. He serves on Americans for Safe Access’s Patient-Focused Certification Review Board, the Cannabis Certification Council’s Technical Advisory Committee, and is president of CAN! Research, Education & Consulting in Albany, Oregon, where he breeds and conducts horticultural research, teaches, and consults businesses on the horticultural science & public policy of cannabis.